Become an ALS Learner
The ALS Program is open to potential learners at any time of the year. Interested OSYA learners may visit or contact their nearest DepEd District and/or Division Office for information about the ALS learning sessions being offered in the area.
A potential learner undergoes the revised Functional Literacy Test (FLT) and the existing Assessment for Basic Literacy (ABL) to determine whatever prior learning s/he may already have. The result of this assessment will help the ALS Learning Facilitator and the learner to develop an Individual Learning Agreement (ILA) that records what the learner wants to learn (learning goals), and how (learning activities and strategies) and when (timeline) the learner wants to achieve his/her learning goals.
The new FLT is based on the six learning strands of new ALS K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum, and is composed of five parts: the Demographic Information Sheet (DIS), Listening and Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Numeracy.
Learning Process
ALS learners are considered active agents of their own learning. As such, they are expected to:
- define their own learning needs;
- identify the most appropriate pathway for addressing these needs; and
- achieve their learning goals through learning modules, supplementary learning materials, and available instructional support.
These must be reflected through an Individual Learning Agreement (ILA). The ILA will serve as one of the bases for instruction and assessment learners’ progress.
ALS learners interested in seeking certification through the Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Test will need to master the competencies detailed in the ALS K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.
Since ALS targets OSYA learners with various levels of literacy, the instructional support to be provided by the ALS teacher may be face-to-face, or through distance education and blended learning, depending on the needs of the learners.
Throughout the program, learners will be assessed using various formative assessment tools used by the ALS teacher and assessment instruments found in the learning modules. Learners are also asked to update learning logs and develop their portfolio based on their ILA.
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